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The Development History of High-Power Lasers

La storia dello sviluppo dei laser ad alta potenza

Ciao a tutti! Preparatevi a tuffarvi nella storia assolutamente sbalorditiva dei laser ad alta potenza! Immaginate questo: un tempo, i laser erano solo un luccichio negli occhi di uno scrittore di fantascienza. Ma poi, zap! Nel 1960, un tizio di nome Theodore Maiman inventò un piccolo marchingegno che sputò un raggio rosso brillante, e il mondo dei laser non fu più lo stesso!

Inizialmente, questi laser erano deboli come una torcia elettrica con la sua ultima batteria. Ma oh, come sono cambiati i tempi! Gli scienziati si sono fatti avanti e hanno iniziato una vera e propria "lotta di potere" per realizzare laser in grado di accecare il sole stesso!

Facciamo un salto al 1962, e abbiamo il primo laser pulsato. Questo cattivone poteva illuminare con una luce così intensa da oscurare la notte più buia! Nel 1966, la potenza del laser raddoppiò e, all'improvviso, questi gadget non erano solo per spettacolo: potevano tagliare, saldare e diventare fondamentalmente i supereroi della fabbrica!

La corsa al potere del laser era iniziata, ed era come legare un razzo a una torcia! Negli anni '70, i laser erano così potenziati che venivano usati negli esperimenti sulla fusione nucleare: parliamo di un viaggio di potenza! Arrivarono gli anni '80, e i laser erano i pezzi grossi del quartiere, non solo nei laboratori scientifici, ma anche sul campo di battaglia, con bombe e armi guidate da laser che ti avrebbero fatto sgranare gli occhi!

Entra nel 21° secolo e i laser ad alta potenza sono come le rock star della tecnologia: sono più grandi, più cattivi e più compatti che mai! Al giorno d'oggi, non puoi muovere un gatto senza colpire qualcosa alimentato da un laser ad alta potenza: dalla fibra ottica e dalle procedure mediche alle sofisticate proiezioni e sistemi radar, questi raggi sono ovunque!

Ecco qua, l'epica saga dei laser ad alta potenza: da zero a eroe, dal laboratorio al tuo soggiorno! Un grande ringraziamento alle menti brillanti che hanno trasformato questi raggi un tempo insignificanti nei raggi abbaglianti di oggi. Il viaggio del laser ad alta potenza non è forse il massimo? Assolutamente affascinante e strabiliante, se me lo chiedete!

Questa è una cronologia illustrativa che mostra la storia dello sviluppo dei laser ad alta potenza, dai primi concetti e invenzioni alle moderne applicazioni di tecnologia avanzata. Include varie fasi come l'invenzione del primo laser, i progressi in termini di potenza e dimensioni, le applicazioni nell'industria, nella medicina e nell'esercito, nonché gli attuali usi all'avanguardia.

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    High-Powered Beam Torches Laser Flashlights Portable Lighting Technology Safety Considerations
Attenuation and shrinking beam simulation for beam quality measurement of high-power lasers

Attenuation and shrinking beam simulation for beam quality measurement of high-power lasers

fangyun DAI @

Beam quality factor is the main parameter to characterize the transverse pattern of high-power lasers, and in order to solve the problem that the current beam quality analyzer can only be used for beam quality evaluation of small-aperture and low-power lasers, the principle and simulation of attenuation and beam reduction technology for beam quality measurement of high-power lasers were studied. The simulation model of the attenuation and shrinking beam component is established, and the thermally induced aberrations of optical components under high-power laser are studied by using the finite element method, and it is concluded that when the peak-to-trough (PV) value of thermally induced aberrations is less than 82 nm, the influence on the beam quality factor is less than 5%. As the beam passes through the attenuation component, if debias occurs, the beam quality factor will be smaller. Based on the Zenic polynomial and the beam quality factor calculation model, the influence of the wavefront distortion of the beam shrinking component on the measurement is studied and analyzed, and it is seen through the Zemax simulation analysis that the influence on the beam quality factor measurement is less than 5% when the angle of view between the incident light and the center optical axis of the beam shrinking component is less than 7° during the assembly and adjustment.
    High-Powered Beam Torches Laser Flashlights Portable Lighting Technology Safety Considerations
Depth: Research progress of high-power semiconductor lasers

Depth: Research progress of high-power semiconductor lasers

HighPowerLaser @

Laser is another major invention of mankind since the 20th century, after atomic energy, electronic computers, and semiconductors. Semiconductor laser science and technology takes semiconductor laser devices as the core, covering the study of the law, generation method, device technology, control means and application technology of stimulated radiation amplification of light, and the required knowledge integrates geometric optics, physical optics, semiconductor electronics, thermodynamics and other disciplines.

After more than 50 years of development, semiconductor laser, as a world-class research direction, has developed by leaps and bounds along with international scientific and technological progress, and has also benefited from breakthroughs in various related technologies, materials and processes. The progress of semiconductor laser has received great attention and attention in the international scope, not only in the field of basic science and continuous research and deepening, the level of science and technology continues to improve, but also in the field of application continues to expand and innovate, the application of technology and equipment emerge in an endless stream, the application level has also been greatly improved, in the national economic development of all countries in the world, especially in the fields of information, industry, medical and national defense has been an important application.

At present, the development of semiconductor lasers in the world is in a new stage of rapid development, and China's laser science and technology has basically maintained a trend of synchronous development with the world. From the perspective of comprehensive social development, industrial economic upgrading, national defense and security application and economic structure transformation, from the perspective of national competitive development, more clear needs are put forward for the comprehensive innovation of semiconductor laser technology and the transformation and development of industrial applications. In this paper, the development history and current situation of semiconductor lasers are reviewed, and the achievements of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics in recent years in high-power semiconductor lasers, especially in high-power semiconductor laser laser light sources, vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers and new laser chips.

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